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Metabolism In Spanish

Metabolism in Spanish is called metabolismo!

Just What is Metabolism?

There is probably no more commonly used term when discussing weight loss (and weight gain) than this. Indeed, it is quite common to hear people discussing their struggles with – or victories over – the extra weight gained on their most recent vacation, or their despised "love handles" and unsightly bulges in terms of whether or not their metabolism is working.

Doctors and nutritionists frequently use the term metabolism to explain why starvation/deprivation and water-loss diets are not scientifically or medically responsible because they do not account for or positively influence your metabolism (there we go again!).

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So, for all of the ways that this quite intimidating and biologically charged word is discussed when discussing weight loss or weight gain, you'd think that people understand it, wouldn't you? Or, at the very least, you'd think they'd have a basic understanding of how to speed up their metabolism.


Understanding Metabolism

Unfortunately, many people do not understand metabolism and metabolic change. Regrettably, this is not entirely their fault.

There is so much information out there, much of it accessed via the internet or a "friend of a friend who has a personal trainer," that there will undoubtedly be some conflicting messages and confusion.

Many people, understandably, mistakenly attribute their own weight gain and loss episodes to metabolic change.

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This is sometimes true and sometimes not. There are, for example, scientifically sound ways to increase the rate of metabolic change, allowing the body to burn more calories and thus fatter. Eating certain foods more frequently is one way to accomplish this.

Another way to lose weight visibly – at least temporarily – is to spend a few hours in a steam room or sauna.

Whereas the former (eating the right foods) is a real and proven weight loss method through increased metabolic change, the latter (the steam room) is only temporary because the lost weight is just fluid loss, and will return as quickly as it "melted away" as soon as you have your next glass of water.

What you must keep in mind here is that some people misinterpret their own weight loss attempts as being related to metabolic change, but as the steam room example shows, this is not always the case.

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Exactly What is Metabolism?

Some people believe that "the metabolism" refers to an organ or another body part that influences digestion. Actually, metabolism isn't a specific body part. It is the process by which the body turns food into energy.

As a result, you've probably heard the terms metabolic process and metabolism used interchangeably because they both mean the same thing.

However, without delving too deeply into medical details, which are unnecessary for general understanding, it is useful to look briefly at the biological mechanisms underlying metabolism.

Metabolism is the process of converting food (i.e., nutrients) into fuel (i.e. energy.) The body can then use this energy to perform a wide range of essential functions. In fact, your metabolism is responsible for your ability to read this post.

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You wouldn't be able to move if you didn't have a metabolism, or if your body didn't use metabolic processes to convert food into energy.

In fact, your internal bodily functions would have stopped long before you realized you couldn't lift your foot or move a finger.

This is because your metabolism is responsible for all of the basic functions of life, such as circulating blood, converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, expelling toxic wastes through the kidneys, and so on.

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